If you e-mailed a declaration to take online courses, you should have received an e-mail receipt. Deadline is tomorrow, July 21st. You may sign the form at the school or retrieve online at the home page and e-mail the form. Login information will be distributed at a later date.
Seniors who are interested in applying to Georgia Tech, please be aware of their new admission deadlines: http://www.news.gatech.edu/2020/07/14/new-process-allows-georgia-students-receive-earlier-admission-decision
Upcoming SAT dates: August 29; September 26; October 3; November 7; December 5. High school students may register at www.collegeboard.org/SAT. An on-campus test for juniors and seniors is tentatively scheduled for September 23 (details and sign-up info TBA).
Check out our new and improved gym floor! Excited to see many wins in the future!
Parents/Students please be sure to see the News Section for Summer Reading Assignments on the Middle/High page.
Middle school softball will begin conditioning next week on Monday and Wednesday evening from 5:30 to 7:00.
Middle school football will begin conditioning next week on Monday 13th, Tuesday 14th, and Thursday 16th from 6:00-7:00.
We will have sports physicals here at the High School on Thursday, June 18th. Male athletes between 4:00 and 5:00 and Female athletes between 5:00 and 6:00. Park in student parking lot by gym and we will have coaches telling you what to do. Athletes must have the history portion of the physical packet filled out with a parent signature in order to get a physical. Also, athletes must wear a mask while waiting.
Cross country workouts will now be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:00 am to 9:30 am. Middle School and High School will be running together!
Due to a grade change, these students have been added to the honor roll list:
Kerri Cromer-Principal's Honor Roll
Joel Jones-Honor Roll
Kayla Pough-Honor Roll
Griselda Vail-Romero-Honor Roll
Cross Country Practice/tryouts will be on Wednesdays and Fridays beginning 06/10. Due to Covid-19 there are rules we have to follow:
Temperature checks,bring your own water bottle and parents need to remain in vehicles. Middle school will condition from 8:00 to 9:15 am and Varsity from 9:30 to 10:45 am.
Congratulations to Cecil Young! He earned an honorable mention in the 2020 Young Georgia Authors writing contest for 8th grade (sponsored by Chattahoochee-Flint RESA).
Dual enrollment students, don't forget to bring your college books back when you come in to the school. You will be able to pick up your summer books at the same time. Underclassmen item pick-up dates/times will be announced soon.
Seniors, don't forget your deadlines!
Local Scholarship Applications-TODAY
Career Ready Seals-Moved to May 1
Citizenship/Service Seals-May 1
All info may be e-mailed to jernigan.melissa@marion.k12.ga.us. Specific applications can be found in the News section of the site.
Georgia Southwestern will continue to waive application fees until Sunday, 4/19.
Students in grades 9-11 who are interested in the University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, or Georgia State University: Please be sure to sign up for the Peach State Tour information session to be held online Thursday, April 23 from 7-8 p.m. For details, visit www.peachstatetour.org
GHSA is accepting applications for the 2020-21 Student-Athlete Advisory Council (SAAC). Please go to https://www.ghsa.net/student-leadership for information and the application for these positions. Please email these directly to pennypitts@ghsa.net.
The deadline has been extended to June 1.
Report cards and an important letter will be mailed today (Friday). Seniors will receive a refund for the Senior trip with their report card.
Parents/Students please refer to the Distance Learning article in the news section on the Middle/High page for information on classwork from your teachers.
Local scholarship applications for Seniors have been posted on the MCMHS section of the web page. Please follow instructions carefully.