Congratulations to McKinzie Golden on her acceptance to South Georgia Technical College!
Senior Superlatives, your pictures will be taken tomorrow (Friday) at 9:35. Meet in Mrs. Owens' room. Please be on time. If you have questions, check with Mrs. Owens or a yearbook staff member.
Congratulations to Mollie Beth Johnson on her acceptance to Berry College and $100,000 Dean's Scholarship! So far, she has earned $264,000 in scholarships!
Info for UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Young Scholars Program (also UGA Tifton):
Link to website for info and to apply:
10th, 11th, and 12th graders
New scholarship applications for Seniors have been posted on the "Scholarship" section of my teacher web page. Check them out!
Current juniors, information about this year's Flint Energies Washington Youth Tour is available in Microsoft Teams. For details, click here:
Scholarship for Juniors:
From the yearbook staff: Seniors will vote for Mr. and Miss MCHS tomorrow (December 1) on Microsoft Teams. Ballots will open at 8 tomorrow morning and will close at 3. Please log in to your Teams account to vote.
Junior-Senior Prom will be April 15, 2023. More information will be coming in January 2023.
Prom committee applications are available on teams accounts for Juniors only. Please complete your applications by December 16, if you're interested in joining the committee. See Mrs. Welch if you have any questions
Congratulations to Mollie Beth Johnson on her acceptance to Mercer University!
Thanks to everyone who participated in Apply to College Day yesterday. If you need more info about financial aid, please watch this video. I was unable to edit the Zoom recording, so please excuse the first 30 seconds...:)
Congratulations to Mollie Beth Johnson on her acceptance to Georgia College and State University!
Congratulations to Kamiya Battle on her acceptance to Georgia Southwestern!
Congratulations to Mollie Beth Johnson on her acceptance to Wesleyan College!
Seniors, Apply to College Day is this Thursday, 11/17! There will be people on hand to help you fill out applications and get started on your FAFSA. We will begin with a short meeting in the gym at 8:00. Sit on the side nearest the Red Zone. Check the Class of '23 Teams Account for info.
Senior meeting that was originally scheduled for Friday, 11/11, will be rescheduled. Stay tuned for updates.
Congratulations to Payton Welch on her acceptance to Georgia Southern!
Parents, join us on Parent Involvement Day 11/17 for an online breakdown of financial aid! Any high school parent, especially of a Senior, can benefit. We will hold Apply to College Day for Seniors that morning and then post this online session at noon. You can watch anytime!
Senior meeting Friday, November 11th, at 9 a.m. in the cafeteria...I hear there will be biscuits!
MCMHS will host a Dual Enrollment Day on Tuesday, 11/8 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This is for students in grades 10-12. There will be representatives from South Ga Technical College and Georgia Southwestern State University on campus. Information session begins at 9:00 a.m. and then the representatives will remain on campus to meet with students interested in signing up for dual enrollment classes for Spring 2023. They will see student by appointment ONLY. There is a signup sheet in the front office to make an appointment with either of the colleges. If you have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Melissa Price at