Please check our news section for updated distance learning assignments!
Please refer to the Distance Learning article in the news section on the L.K. Moss page for information on classwork from your teachers.
Visit our Counselors Corner and click on our April 2020 Parent & Child Activity Calendar: "I'm bored." Raise your hand if you've heard this statement during this coronavirus pandemic. If you are looking for some fun, family-oriented activities to complete with your family, see the calendar below for daily activities. ACTIVITY CHALLENGE: Complete the activity each day with your child(ren). Post a photo of your family completing the activity on your FaceBook page and tag L. K. Moss. We look forward to hearing from you!
Parents/Students please refer to the Distance Learning article in the news section on the L.K. Moss page for information on classwork from your teachers.
For recommendations, suggestions and extra resources from our teachers, visit the L. K. Moss Facebook page. Here you can find student resources to help your child continue to learn and grow while at home.
Redeem code AOFLUNICEF for FREE access to Early Learning Academy, Adventure Academy, and ReadingIQ during the period of school closure.
Under News Section, Parent Resources on our website, find a list of websites to continue learning. READ and practice math facts. We will see you soon!
Check out this fun video on hand washing! Let children listen while they wash!
ALL LK Moss Activites and Events are Postponed. Please see LK Moss News for more information.
Please see our news article on COVID-19 in reference to school closure.
Girls Who Code at L. K. Moss WILL NOT meet on Tuesday, March 24, 2020.
Just a dog gone friendly reminder…
Tomorrow is the deadline to get a free t-shirt when you sign up for Boots and Bows Giddy-Up Hoedown. Don’t miss out!
BOOTS & BOWS GIDDY UP HOEDOWN DANCE- is scheduled Friday, March 20. For more information, please contact the front office @ LKMOSS.
3rd 9 Weeks ends Thursday, March 12!
The Character Education Word of the week is "DEPENDABILITY"
It’s that time of year again! Classroom group and individual spring pictures will be taken on Tuesday, March 10.
PRE-K REGISTRATION for the 2019-2020 school year is Monday & Tuesday , March 2 & 3 from 8:30- 2:00 pm; KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION is Monday-Friday, March 2-6 from 8:30-2:00 pm.. If your child turns four (4) years old for Pre-K or five (5) years old for Kindergarten on or before September 1, 2020, and you are a Marion County resident, your child qualifies for our Pre-K or Kindergarten program. When registering, bring these items with you to complete the child’s registration process. *NOTE*- Students who are currently enrolled in the Pre-Kindergarten program at L. K. Moss Elementary School will NOT need to register for Kindergarten. ** Below is a list of required documentations for enrollment**. ■ Birth Certificate ■ Social Security Card ■ Immunization Certificates (DHR Form3231) ■ Hearing, Vision, Dental Examination Certificates (DHR Form 3300) ■ Proof of Residency with Physical Address and Name ■ Proof of Income for Pre-K registrants ■ Copy of Pre-K Progress Report (if applicable)
Howdy, Cowgirls and Cowboys!
Let’s saddle up and head on down to the Boots & Bows Giddy-Up Hoedown
At LK Moss Elementary School!
Y’all go ahead and mark your calendar for March 20, 2020.
To register, send your money and completed application to LK Moss Elementary School before March 11. Let’s partner up to have a YEE HAW good time at the HOEDOWN!
Where? L.K. Moss Elementary School
When? Friday, March 20, 2020
What Time? Ages 3 - Grade 2 (4:30-6:00 PM) Grades 3-5 ( 7:00-8:30 PM)
How Much? $30 Per Child price includes t-shirt, chicken tender meal, adult admission and chicken tender meal
For more information, call 229-649-5567 or see someone in our front office. YeeHaw!
Please see our News Section for an Application if you do not already have a copy.
READING FUN TIP: by Dr. Seuss. "Pick a comfortable spot to read in - one with plenty of light.
NUTRITION TIP: Start your morning with a healthy breakfast that includes lean protein, whole grain, fruits, and vegetables.