The Character Education Word for the week is “COOPERATION.”
Hooray! We are all back at school and learning. It has been a great week at LK Moss Elementary School. Gooo! Eagles! Go! Big! Red!
ALL PARENTS: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We cannot thank you enough for making our transition back to "in person" school so seamless and smooth. We are all excited to have our students back here with us. We are determined to make this year one of the best yet!
CAR RIDER PARENTS: Thank you for your patience! We have an overabundance of car riders this year, and we have a new procedure for our students in order to implement social distancing. We realize that the lines are long - but you all are troopers and we thank you for cooperating with us as we continue to keep the safety of our students a top priority.
In the mornings, we realize that lines are long, and temperature checks slow down the drop off procedure. If employees are still checking temperature at the cars, your child will not be marked tardy.
BUS RIDER PARENTS: Thanks to all of you for making sure that your child has a mask each day for bus transportation. We continue to follow safe measures on our buses. Thanks for working with us to keep our bus riders safe.
ALL PARENTS: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! We cannot thank you enough for making our transition back to "in person" school so seamless and smooth. We are all excited to have our students back here with us. We are determined to make this year one of the best yet!
The Character Education Word for the week is “COMPASSION”.
L.K. Moss Elementary School currently has openings for the lottery funded Pre-K Program. For information, please call the school at 229-649-5567
We are so excited that this Wednesday, September 9, our LK Moss Kindergarten students, First graders and Second graders will be returning to school to join our Pre-K. Woo hoo! We can’t wait to see all of you! 🥰
Just a Friendly Reminder....Today is packet pick-up and drop-off day. Lunches will be delivered, too. Have a Terrific Tuesday, LK Moss Family!
...and just like that the first day of Pre-K for 2020-2021 school year has come and gone. What a great day it was! Here are a few photos of some of our smiling faces!
L.K. Moss Elementary School currently has openings for the lottery funded Pre-K Program. For information, please call the school at 229-649-5567
Didn’t get your packet on the bus route? Please call the school and make sure that we have the child’s most current address. Remember that you may pick up any work at the school. Contact your child’s teacher prior to delivery day and we will have it ready! We hope that everyone has a safe and restful weekend!
The buses are heading your way TOMORROW, Thursday, August 13 at 3:00 pm. They will bring your packet of back-to-school paperwork, your student handbook, practice/work for class, and other items. Hope to see everyone tomorrow!
All scheduled open houses for LK Moss have been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later time
ATTENTION LKM PARENTS!! The first day of school for “FACE-TO-FACE” instruction is Wed., August 5. The first day of school for VIRTUAL STUDENTS is Monday, August 10.
Pre-K Teacher Request Day
LK Moss Elementary School will be taking parent requests for Pre-Kindergarten teachers on Monday, July 20 from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm. All requests will be taken by phone at 229-649-5567 or 229-649-5566. (No in person requests will be accepted.) Please be aware that each request is considered, but not guaranteed.
Pre-Kindergarten teachers for 2020-2021:
Mrs. Kayla Barrett
Mrs. Dawn Cromer
Mrs. Rhonda Dew
Please check our 2020-2021 Grade Level School Supply Lists in the News Section and under Parent Resources.
Buses lined up to deliver student belongings today at LK Moss. Thanks to all of our teachers, bus drivers, paraprofessionals, and transportation department for all of their help in getting these things back to our students.
Parents, if you have not gotten back your child’s school materials, we will hold them for you. These things may be picked up from the school once it is opened back up to the public.
We are excited to announce the launch of Bright by Text! Parents and caregivers of children up to age 8 can sign up by texting the word “GPB” to 274448 or by going to this link: Registered parents and caregivers will receive two to four text messages per week
What: DRIVE THROUGH DAY to pick up student belongings
When: Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Who can participate? Any students - both car riders and bus riders
Anything Else? Lost and found jackets and coats will be out for claiming
What about Library Books or any other school materials? Bring them to the school and we will take them when you come through the line.
**Let your child's teacher know if you will be participating in the DRIVE THROUGH so that we can have your child's belongings ready.
What if my child rides a bus and I cannot come to the Drive Through? The buses will deliver student belongings on a BUS ROUTE.
What: BUS ROUTE deliveries
When: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Time: Regular afternoon bus route times. The bus will arrive at approximately the same time the students would normally get off of the bus in the afternoon
What about Library Books or any other school materials? Bring them to the bus and we will take them and return them to the school for you.
What if my child is a car rider and I cannot come to the Drive Through?
Student belongings will be held until the school is once again open. Right now, the school is closed to the public.
LK Moss Elementary School Council Meeting
The School Council Meeting scheduled for May 7, 2020 has been rescheduled for Thursday, July 23 at 9:00 am. The meeting will be held in the media center. L. K. Moss Elementary School has scheduled a meeting for parents and/or community members interested in serving on the School Council for the 2020-2021 school year. The meeting will be held on Thursday, July 23 at 8:30 am in the media center.
Please check our news section for updated distance learning assignments!