8th-11th graders, please read carefully!
Scheduling for the 2021-22 school term for students currently in grades
8-11 will be held on Microsoft Teams from March 22-26. Details are
posted in the attached links. Please contact jernigan.melissa@marion.k12.ga.us with questions.
Step 2: Count these classes. If you have 5 listed, you need to select 3 electives. You need 8 classes total.
Step 3: Go to your Microsoft Teams account to fill out the registration form. If you do not select your courses, elective courses will be selected for you.
If you have questions or concerns, I will be in the cafeteria next week during 8th grade and high school lunch periods. Please come ask! Please realize that you may not get your first choice elective. Upcoming seniors will be scheduled first. Upcoming Seniors, remember that if you plan to do dual enrollment or Youth Apprenticeship, you must select electives anyway, These electives will be dropped when your DE/YAP is finalized.
Here is the timeline for scheduling:
Monday, March 22--Scheduling will be open for current juniors and sophomores in Teams. This will close on Wednesday, March 24.
Wednesday, March 24--Scheduling will be open for current 9th and 8th graders in Teams.
Scheduling will close on Friday, March 26.