The Marion County FFA chapter has a variety of events, competitions, and activities we participate in each school year. Our chapter attends national and state level events, such as, Region Rally, State Convention, and Summer Leadership Camp. This past October, our officer team attended the 2019 National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. By attending these events, our FFA students get the opportunity to connect with other FFA members and learn the diversified aspects of agriculture in other areas. The Marion County FFA chapter also competes in various Career Development Events, including, Wildlife Management, Forestry, Nursery Landscape, Agricultural Mechanics, Livestock Evaluation, Public Speaking, Meats Evaluation, and Tractor Operations and Maintenance. All of these competitions are based on real industries in the agriculture field; therefore, providing students the opportunity to gain knowledge of a career they may be interested in pursuing. Our FFA chapter also hosts events such as the Chili Cook-off, Pine Mountain Forestry Field Day, and the FFA Fall Festival. Recently, we hosted the Pine Mountain Forestry Field Day at the pavilion. At Forestry Field Day, over 200 competitors from nine schools participated in various competitions relating to the forestry industry. Community-centered events like these, allow parents and other supporters to see what our FFA chapter has been achieving. Each month our chapter holds a night-meeting at the pavilion for our members. A few of our monthly night-meetings have included a trip to Sky-zone, a bonfire night, a craft night, a fishing tournament, and a softball tournament. These night-meetings are a chance for our members to fellowship outside of school and FFA competitions. We also have a livestock show team which has shown their cattle and sheep projects at numerous shows throughout the state of Georgia. The livestock industry is crucial to the agriculture industry. Livestock exhibitors learn the importance of animal production and take on numerous responsibilities throughout the time period of their project. Recently, our chapter has taken on a partnership with the Marion County 4H club to bring back the Shotgun and Archery teams to our Community. Through this program, team members will learn hunter’s safety and further their knowledge of the outdoors. These are just a few of the activities the Marion County FFA chapter has participated in, and we plan to further and expand our involvement in the future.
February 21, 2020