Apply to College Event, Class of 24

The Class of 2024 celebrated Apply to College Month in Georgia by starting, completing, and submitting their college applications. Although several students have already been accepted to colleges throughout the state and have earned scholarships (see the MCMHS Live Feed for details!), Apply to College events provide on-site assistance to motivate and propel additional applications for all Seniors.

On November 13, 2023, the Class of 2024 started 71 applications, completed 54 applications, and submitted 52 applications as a whole. These numbers reflect participation for about 77% of the class. Other members have already submitted applications or have committed to a branch of the Armed Forces. Several students who began applications on this date are awaiting test scores prior to submission.

On-site volunteers and facilitators for the 2023-24 event included:

Melissa Jernigan, High School Counselor, Event Coordinator

Melissa Price, Middle School Counselor and Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Jessica Hirst, Work-Based Learning Coordinator 

Jo Ward, Seleta Rogers, and Rees Walker-Marion County Retired Teachers

Katie Minich-Georgia Student Finance Commission Representative

Jasmine Cox-Columbus Technical College Admissions

Jonathan Scott and Luke Ellis-Georgia Southwestern State University Admissions

For further information regarding Apply to College Events, visit Apply to College Initiative | Georgia Student Finance Commission (  MCHS began celebrating Apply to College Month in 2011.