Marion County did an outstanding job at the region and state Georgia Movie Academy Competitions this year. The region competition was held at Georgia Southwestern State University in Americus and the state competition was held at Rainey McCullers in Columbus. The theme for this year's competition was "Somewhere in Time". Each team was tasked with creating a three-minute movie based on this year's theme. Coaches worked hard making sure each movie followed the guidelines, while students were able to show their creative ideas, acting, and editing throughout. Teams who received "Best Picture" and First Runner-Up at the region competition advanced to the state competition. At the state competition, GMA teams and guests were able to listen to famous guest speaker, Dr. Terrance Ferguson of Nat Geo "Critter Fixers", based out of Byron, GA. Pictured is Dr. Ferguson with Marion County State GMA teams.
Teams who received awards are as follows:
LK Moss K-2 (Coaches Shelee McCorkle and Emily Addison) - "Best Picture" at State and Region
LK Moss K-2 (Coaches Burgin Benson and Emily Addison) - First Runner-Up at State and Region
LK Moss 3-5 (Coaches Kim Sellars and Emily Addison) - First-Runner-Up at State and Region
MCMHS 6-8 (Coaches Ashleigh Butler and Erin Roberts) - "Best Picture" at State and First Runner-Up in Region
MCMHS 9-12 (Coaches Jami Welch and Ashleigh Butler) - Second Runner-Up in Region
Check out these amazing videos!
LK Moss K-2 (Coaches Shelee McCorkle and Emily Addison) - "Best Picture" at State and Region- "Oh the Places You'll Go!"
LK Moss K-2 (Coaches Burgin Benson and Emily Addison) - First Runner-Up at State and Region- " What I Want to be When I Grow Up Somewhere in Time"
LK Moss 3-5 (Coaches Kim Sellars and Emily Addison) - First-Runner-Up at State and Region "Aliens Somewhere in Time"
MCMHS 6-8 (Coaches Ashleigh Butler and Erin Roberts) - "Best Picture" at State and First Runner-Up in Region "A(Covid) Test of Time"
MCMHS 9-12 (Coaches Jami Welch and Ashleigh Butler) - Second Runner-Up in Region "The Current"