Marion County School District to Review Plans in Meeting
The Marion County School System recognizes that greater family involvement is crucial if our students are to learn more, to achieve higher academic standards, and to succeed in a world that might otherwise pass them by. Educational research has shown that parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning at home help their children become more successful learners in and out of school. It shall be the intent of all parent involvement activities in the Marion County Schools to encourage and support the efforts of home, school, and community in improving the educational opportunities of all children.
In support of this goal, you are invited to attend a meeting held in the Eagle Room of Marion County Middle High School on April 26, 2023. The same meeting will be at 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 5:00 PM and the following morning on April 27th at 9:00 AM via Zoom. Pre-meeting documents for review as well as online meeting login information can be found below. These meetings are meant to provide opportunities for parents and other stakeholders to assist in the joint review and development of our district and school Parental Involvement policy/plans, district-wide and school-wide Title I Plans, L. K. Moss and Marion County Middle High School SIP (School Improvement Plans), CLIP (Comprehensive LEA Improvement Plan), School-Parent Compacts, and ARP Plans. If you have any questions, you may contact Cassandra T. Porter, Assistant Superintendent, at the Marion County Board of Education, 229-649-2234 or via email at
Link - Virtual Meeting to be held April 27, 2023 at 9 AM
FY23 LKMES School-Parent Compact - English
FY23 LKMES School-Parent Compact - Spanish
FY23 MCMHS School-Parent Compact - English
FY23 MCMHS School-Parent Compact - Spanish
FY23 LKMES School Improvement Plan
FY23 MCMHS School Improvement Plan
FY23 LKMES Parental Involvement Policy/Plan - English
FY23 LKMES Parental Involvement Policy/Plan - Spanish
FY23 MCMHS Parental Involvement Policy/Plan - English
FY23 MCMHS Parental Involvement Policy/Plan - Spanish