Parent Resources for Educational Enrichment

Please check each schools web page for class assignments and instructions from teachers.

Middle/High will be under a tab called Distant Learning in the news section.

Check out this information on how Chehaw implements at-home learning.

You now have access to over 6,400 online books and age appropriate news articles that you can share with your families.

Click here for more information

Below are a list of websites for students to utilize during school closure:

Middle/High: (ASVAB prep)

L.K. Moss:

  Georgia Experience Online is a practice site that lets students see what testing online is like. The items on the practice test are general and are organized in three grade level bands: 3-5, 6-8, and high school in the content areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Google Chrome Browser works best with this website. Students should click on TEST PRACTICE, END OF GRADE SPRING MAIN, ONLINE TOOLS TRAINING, EOG TEST PRACTICE, STANDARD ONLINE TOOLS, Grade Levels 3-5 

·         BrainPop is a website where students may practice content material in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. The school username is: lkmoss    The school password is: brainpop 

·         Edgenuity , Moby Max  and USA Test Prep  are three other websites where students may practice content material in the areas of English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. Each child has his or her own username and password. 

·         Quizlet - , Khan Academy-, Kahoot - , Zearn- , Ducksters -,  Typing - , Starfall - , ABCya , and Timestables - are several resources our teachers use with students daily.