Who should I call if I have question?

Questions about procedures or activities at a school are best answered by calling the school. Telephone numbers for all schools are listed in the Contact Us section of this website. For general information, call the Central Office at 229-649-2234.

What are school hours?
Elementary school (grades PK-5) begins at 8:00 a.m. Monday - Friday and dismisses each day at 2:55 p.m. Middle/ High school (grades 6-12) begins at 7:58 a.m. and dismisses at 3:02 p.m.

Are our schools accredited?
All Marion County Schools are accredited by AdvanceED.

How old does my child have to be to start school?
To enter a Georgia pre-kindergarten program, eligible students must be four by September 1. To enter a Georgia public kindergarten, students must be five by September 1, and to enter first grade they must be six by that date. Please call the Pre-Kindergarten Resource Coordinator at 229-649-5569 for Pre-K eligibility requirements. Admission to the Pre-K program is on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes are limited to 20 students each.

What information must I provide to register my child in a Marion County school for the first time?
An official birth certificate must be furnished at registration. Parents are asked to present verification of address (utility statement, mortgage deed, rent receipt or lease document, or telephone statement). Students enrolling in Georgia schools are requested to present an official copy of their social security number. In order to attend a Georgia school, students in all grades must have proof of immunization against seven diseases - measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus (DPT) and polio. Georgia law also requires students to have eye, ear and dental examinations. Health certificates are available from physicians or from the Marion County Health Department.
Entering first grade through twelfth grade: Please bring a copy of your child's transcript to include grades and test scores. If registration is after the school year begins, please bring a withdrawal form from the previous school.
A copy of the child’s certified birth certificate must be supplied at the time of enrollment.

Where can I find a ranking of the schools?
The Georgia Department of Education publishes Report Cards on all the schools and school districts in Georgia. The Report Card is available on-line at the Georgia Department of Education web site. In addition, each school has copies of its own Report Card for Parents, which is also compiled by the Georgia Department of Education.

Does the school district provide an after-school program for students?
Contact each school office for available programs offered.

What student services does the district provide?
Counselors are assigned to all schools, including L.K. Moss Elementary School. Graduation coaches are assigned at Marion County Middle/High School. Social workers and psychologists are available to meet student needs as well